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Pray for school leadership, staff, students, and families.  Our model requires all of these groups working together to assure a high quality education and effective management of resources.

Monthly Supporter

Would you consider becoming a monthly supporter of the Hollandale Christian School? Your donations would directly benefit the overall health of our school. Please fill out this form and choose "monthly" for an simple way to make a difference.

RaiseRight Program

RaiseRight (formerly ShopWithScrip) allows you to purchase gift cards through the school.  A percentage of the value of each card is contributed to the school.  You can designate your support to reduce a specific child's tuition cost or to the school's general fund.  

Box Tops App

Clipping box tops is a thing of the past! Download the Box Tops app and select Hollandale Christian School as your school. Make a habit of taking a picture of your receipt after every shopping trip. The app will find participating products purchased at any store and instantly add to our school’s earnings.

Donate Items

Bless an HCS classroom in a tangible way! Select items from our teachers' wish lists and have them delivered directly to the school.

Amazon Smile

Amazon will donate 0.5% of purchases if you shop via Amazon Smile ( and designate 'Hollandale Christian School Assn' as your preferred charity.

Donate Time

Would you be interested in volunteering? There are countless opportunities to serve at HCS. Fill out our volunteer interest form to give us an idea of your interests and availability. We would love to get you plugged in!

Choice Dollars

Thrivent Financial Services has something called Choice Dollars which can be designated to a non-profit of your choice.  If you are a Thrivent member, consider designating Hollandale Christian School.  

Support School Activities

Come cheer for HCS at the soccer tournament, attend one or many of our fundraisers, or watch the students perform during our Christmas program or spring musical. Check out our upcoming events and invite your friends to join you! 

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Contact Us


© Copyright 2020

Holldandale Christian School

Tel: (507) 889-3321


203 Central Ave South
Hollandale, MN 56045

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