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At HCS we do all things knowing that the school and our world belong to God.  We take our academic education

seriously so that when our young people graduate, they are prepared for the academic challenges that high school will bring.  Even more, we have laid the foundation for spiritual maturity and understanding.  Each year that students areat HCS, they are challenged more to make decisions and gain a broad base of knowledge that will allow them to be witnesses for Christ.  Each child is unique and gifted by God to be a productive member of His world.  Our job is to bring out those gifts and allow students the opportunities to use them in service and leave with a firm sense of who they have been created to be and what it means to live a changed life.


Students have the privilege of joining together Wednesday mornings for a school-wide chapel.  Students from Kindergarten through 8th grade come together to sing praises to God and learn more about His Word.  Teachers lead a time of worship which may include classic hymns, modern praise songs, or fun children’s music. We also choose a theme song each year which is sung every week.  After this time of worship, a teacher or local pastor will lead us in a time of teaching.  Each class also takes a Wednesday to lead the chapel for us.  It is a great blessing to be able to attend school in a place where we can openly worship Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.


Hollandale Christian School approaches all education from a Biblical perspective.  Our goal is to prepare children for transformation through focus on three specific areas:  Head, Heart, and the Hands.


Head: Knowledge of the Bible, Knowledge of God, Knowledge of Redemption

  • Daily study of the Bible to understand the stories of the Bible and how they apply to the student’s lives and the world they live in

  • Biblical principles are learned and applied in each class subject.

  • The Lord God is Creator and students see His majesty and power in all of creation and through the laws of science. 

  • The Lord God provides and controls all people as we learn the history and governance of nations and peoples. 

  • Our bodies are wonderfully made and our Lord God calls us to take care of them and use them to His glory -  PE.  

  • Music and Art are God-given gifts for to us to enjoy, create, and give praise to the Lord we love.

  • Stories, poems, and essays use words and symbols to portray themes, feelings, and impressions. Are they Godly virtues or purely self-gratifying? 

  • Numbers, shapes, and measurements reveal a God of order and precision in math.


Heart: Living Relationship with our Lord Jesus

  • Worship and glorify Him

  • Singing praise songs in chapel or anytime we want to praise Jesus

  • Prayer - talk to the Lord

  • Spirit of Love as students develop their talents and abilities

  • Work to the glory of God and not unto men

  • Striving for excellence

  • Obedience and trust of teachers and friends

  • Practicing and using the gifts of the Spirit.


Hands: Serving the Lord God and Fellow Students

  • Respecting the gifts and personalities of classmates

  • Assisting and helping others who are in need

  • Cooperating not competing with classmates

  • Putting others first and themselves last

  • Building others up

  • Diligently and faithfully completing the tasks assigned 

  • Forgiving others as Christ has forgiven them


Through head knowledge, heart relationship, and hands service, HCS empowers students to thrive as they prepare academically to embrace Jesus’s call to transform the world.



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Contact Us


© Copyright 2020

Holldandale Christian School

Tel: (507) 889-3321


203 Central Ave South
Hollandale, MN 56045

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